There is good evidence for general “rules of thumb” about what foods to eat (not “a balanced diet”), what eating patterns to adopt (not “three square meals a day”), and what exercise to do (no single “magic machine”) to improve body composition and metabolic health. That said, a one-size-fits-all strategy does not take into account individual preferences and needs.
This seminar is about guiding you through doing your own personal research on “you” to determine what and how to eat to improve your metabolic health from wherever you are on the “lean and metabolically flexible,” “want to lose fat,” metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetic to diabetic spectrum. Improving your metabolic health is THE foundation for improving all aspects of health.
You will evaluate the macro-nutrient inputs of your diet and see how they impact your “fuel level” in order to train your hunger signals to reflect your objective nutritional needs, lose fat and, hopefully, gain lean mass using meal composition and eating patterns that do not involve suffering and “willpower.” There are no rules about what or when to eat; rather you will create your personal guidelines. There will be some weighing and measuring of foods, but this is not about “calories in and calories out” dieting. There will be some weighing and measuring of you (for your own information) to help establish more objective measure of progress in body composition than just standing on a scale (easy but not that informative and “triggering” for many). Blood sugar levels, pre and post meals, will be utilized to tune macro-nutrient composition, content and timing of meals to match your metabolism (if you are totally squeamish about this, you can still benefit from this seminar without measuring your blood sugars). The focus is on eating real whole foods that are satisfying and enjoyable.
You cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet. Neither can you eat your way out of being a couch potato, so we will also discuss exercise strategies that are efficient in time and efficacy to improve cardiovascular health, strength and metabolic health.
The format of the seminar uses written materials as well as personal interaction using spontaneous real-time text/voice group interaction as well as scheduled virtual meetings/classes. The duration is 100 days in order to help you to fully understand and execute the strategy with continuous support for a long enough period of time to make real lifestyle changes and to see real results.
This is a “lifestyle” modification seminar and IS NOT INDIVIDUALIZED MEDICAL ADVICE nor MEDICAL MANAGEMENT. In particular, if you are on medication for diabetes or hypertension, you will likely need to work with your physician to adjust your medications as your metabolic health improves over the duration of this seminar.
Time Commitment:
This is all going to fit in with your normal routine.
There will be evening zoom calls (roughly one per week on varying days) for “face-to-face” questions, education and support; if you miss one, some, or all of them it is not the end of the world.
There will be relatively continuous (while I am awake) daily support via the Voxxer communication app, where you can participate as much or as little as you like.
Individual $100 for 100 days
You will be responsible for your own blood glucose monitoring equipment and supplies
VIRTUAL so invite your friends from around the world to join us for 100 days of metabolic metamorphosis.
We will have an introductory Zoom meeting at 8 PM EST on February 20th.